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冯潇 副教授

发布时间 :2018-06-29文字 :石晶晶浏览量 :







10/2021 – 至今yh1122银河国际,副教授

06/2018 – 10/2021 yh1122银河国际,讲师

08/2013 – 11/2017新加坡国立大学,食品科学与工程系,博士

10/2011 – 06/2012 中国科学院,国家纳米科学中心,本科毕业论文

09/2008 – 06/2012 山东大学,化学与化工学院,工程学士





1.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(NSFC 32372380)

2.主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(NSFC 32001643)





Food Science and Human Wellness青年编委;Journal of Future Foods青年编委;教育部学位中心论文评审专家;Foods期刊客座首席编辑;Food Hydrocolloids, Food Chemistry, Food Research International, Food Control, LWT-Food Science and Technology, Food Bioscience and Technology, Food Bioscience等期刊审稿人



2. George F. Stewart研究成果比赛第二名,美国食品科技协会年会,美国,芝加哥,2016年7月


4.新加坡食品科学与技术学生研讨会,研究成果报告第二名, 2015年3月


  1. Feng, X.1*, Cen, K1., Yu, X., Huang, C., Yang, W., Yang, Y. L., Tang, X. Z*. (2023). Quinoa protein Pickering emulsion improves the freeze-thaw stability of myofibrillar protein gel: Maintaining protein composition, structure, conformation and digestibility and slowing down protein oxidation.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 253, 126682.

  2. Feng, X.*, Yu, X., Yang, Y. L., Tang, X. Z. (2023).Improving the freeze-thaw stability of fish myofibrils and myofibrillar protein gels: current methods and future perspectives.Food Hydrocolloids, 109041.  

  3. Cen, K., Huang, C., Yu, X., Gao, C., Yang, Y. L., Tang, X. Z*., Feng, X.* (2023). Quinoa protein Pickering emulsion: a promising cryoprotectant to enhance the freeze-thaw stability of fish myofibril gels.Food Chemistry,407, 135139.

  4. Han, K. Y., Feng, X.*, Yang, Y. L.*, Tang. X. Z., Gao, C. C. (2023). Changes in the physicochemical, structural, and emulsifying properties of chicken myofibrillar protein via dynamic high-pressure microfluidization. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technology,83, 103236.

  5. Zhang, S., Sun, X., Xu, X., Feng, X. **, Wang, Z. J., Meng, L., Wu, D., Tang, X. Z. (2022).Effects of soaking conditions on the quality and in vitro starch digestibility of extruded whole buckwheat noodles.Journal of Cereal Science, 108, 103584.

  6. Cen, K., Yu, X., Gao, C., Yang, Y. L., Tang, X*.,Feng, X*. (2022). Effects of quinoa protein Pickering emulsion on the properties, structure and intermolecular interactions of myofibrillar protein gel. Food Chemistry, 394, 133456.ESI高被引论文

  7. Chen, T., Shen, Y., Wu, D., Wu, R., Sheng, J.,Feng, X*., Tang, X*. (2022). Biodegradable films of chitosan and tea polyphenols catalyzed by laccase and their physical and antioxidant activities.Food Bioscience, 46, 101513.

  8. Li, X., Su, L., Zhang, X. L., Chen, Q., Wang, Y., Shen, Z., Zhong, T., Wang, L., Xiao, Y.,Feng, X*., & Yu, X*. (2022). Recent advances on the function and purification of milk exosomes: a review.Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 871346.

  9. Cen, K., Yu, X., Gao, C.,Feng, X*., Tang, X*. (2021). Effects of different vegetable oils and ultrasonicated quinoa protein nanoparticles on the rheological properties of Pickering emulsion and freeze-thaw stability of emulsion gels.Journal of Cereal Science,103350.

  10. Hou, K., Xu, Y., Cen, K., Gao, C.,Feng, X*., Tang, X*. (2021). Nanoemulsion of cinnamon essential oil Co-emulsified with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and Tween-80: Antibacterial activity, stability and slow release performance.Food Bioscience, 43, 101232.

  11. Han, K.,Feng, X*., Yang, Y*., Wei, S., & Chen, Y. (2021). Effects of camellia oil on the properties and molecular forces of myofibrillar protein gel induced by microwave heating.International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 56,5708-5716.

  12. Feng, X.,Sun, Y., Yang, Y., Zhou, X., Cen, K., Yu, C., Xu, T., Tang, X. (2020). Zein nanoparticle stabilized Pickering emulsion enriched with cinnamon oil and its effects on pound cakes.LWT-Food Science and Technology,122,109025.

  13. Feng, X., Tjia, J. Y. Y., Zhou, Y., Liu, Q., Fu, C., & Yang, H. (2020). Effects of tocopherol nanoemulsion addition on fish sausage properties and fatty acid oxidation.LWT--Food Science and Technology,118, 108737.ESI高被引论文

  14. Feng, X.,Wang, W., Chu, Y., Gao, C., Liu, Q., Tang, X. (2020). Effect of cinnamon essential oil nanoemulsion emulsified by osa modified starch on the structure and properties of pullulan based films.LWT-Food Science and Technology,134,110123.

  15. Feng, X., Bansal, N., & Yang, H. (2016). Fish gelatin combined with chitosan coating inhibits myofibril degradation of Golden Pomfret (Trachinotus blochii) fillet during cold storage.Food Chemistry,200, 283-292.ESI高被引论文

  16. Feng,X.,Fu, C.,Yang,H.(2017).Fish gelatin addition improves nutrient retention and mass transfer of fish ball without altering its nanostructure during boiling process.LWT-Food Science and Technology,77,142-151.

  17. Feng, X., Ng, V. K., Mikš-Krajnik, M., & Yang, H. (2017). Effects of fish gelatin and tea polyphenol coating on the spoilage and degradation of myofibril in fish fillet during cold storage.Food and Bioprocess Technology,10, 89–102.ESI高被引论文

  18. Feng,X.,Hang, S., Zhou, Y., Liu, Q., Yang, H. (2018). Bromelain tenderization kinetics and mechanism on myofibril from Golden Pomfret (Trachinotus blochii).Journal of Food Science, 83, 2148-2158.

  19. Feng, X., Zhu Y., Liu Q.,Yang H. (2017).Effects of bromelain tenderisation on texture, myofibrillar protein and flavour of fish balls.Food and Bioprocess Technology,10, 1918-1930.

  20. Feng,X., Lai,S., Li,M., Fu,C., Chen,F., Yang,H.(2014). Chapter 1: Application of Atomic Force Microscopy in food-related macromolecules. In: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): Principles, Modes of Operation and Limitations. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, N.Y., USA. pp 1-44.

  21. Feng, X., Guo Y., An H., Yang H. (2018). Chapter 6:The hyphenated technique of high speed atomic force microscopy and super resolution optical detection system. In Atomic Force Microscopy in Molecular and Cell Biology. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore. pp 105-130.

  22. Zhou, L.,Feng, X., Yang, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, J., Wei, S., & Li, S. (2019). Effects of high-speed shear homogenization on properties and structure of the chicken myofibrillar protein and low-fat mixed gel.LWT-Food Science and Technology, 110, 19-24.

  23. Zhou, L.,Feng, X., Yang, Y., Chen, Y., Tang, X., Wei, S., & Li, S. (2019). Effects of high-speed homogenization on the emulsifying and structural properties of myofibrillar protein under low-fat conditions.Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, 110, 19-24.

  24. 冯潇,张帆,陈颖,成佳欣,岑凯悦,汤晓智.藜麦蛋白Pickering乳液添加对鱼糜蛋白凝胶冻融稳定性的影响[J].中国农业科学, 2022,55(10):2038-2046.

  25. 韩柯颖1,冯潇1,杨玉玲,等.添加山茶油对肌原纤维蛋白凝胶特性的影响[J].中国农业科学,2021,54(20):4446-4455.

  26. 冯潇,武朝升,杨玉玲,付丽霄,陈龙薇,汤晓智.不同盐离子对藜麦蛋白凝胶特性及分子间作用力的影响.中国农业科学,2023,56(21):4318-4329.

  27. 付丽霄,冯潇*,汤晓智*.藜麦蛋白的提取、功能特性及改性方式研究进展.食品工业科技,2023,44(23):1−8.