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发布时间 :2024-01-26文字 :陈超浏览量 :

















1. 国家自然基金青年项目,2023-012025-12,主持、在研。

2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,20217-20246月,主持、在研。

3. 中国博士后基金面上项目,202311-202411月,主持、在研。

4. 中国博士后基金面上项目,202212-20236月,主持、结题。

5. 江苏省研究生创新项目,20179-20205, 主持,结题。

6. 江南大学优秀博士培育基金项目,20179-20189, 主持,结题。


1) Chao Chen*, Zhengxing Chen, Qixin Zhong*. Caseinate nanoparticles co-loaded with quercetin and avenanthramide 2c using a novel two-step pH-driven method: Formation, characterization, and bioavailability [J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 129, 107669.

2) Chao Chen, Ting Li, Zhengxing Chen*, Li Wang*, Xiaohu Luo. Absorption Rates and Mechanisms of Avenanthramides in a Caco2 Cell Model and Their Antioxidant Activity during Absorption [J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68, 2347-2356.

3) Chao Chen, Li Wang*, Ren Wang, Xiaohu Luo, Yongfu Li, Juan Li, Yanan Li, Zhengxing Chen*. Phenolic contents, cellular antioxidant activity and antiproliferative capacity of different varieties of oats [J]. Food Chemistry, 2018, 239:260-267.

4) Chao Chen, Li Wang*, Ren Wang, Xiaohu Luo, Yongfu Li, Juan Li, Yanan Li, Zhengxing Chen*. Ultrasound-assisted extraction from defatted oat (Avena sativa L.) bran to simultaneously enhance phenolic compounds and β-glucan contents: compositional and kinetic studies [J]. Journal of Food Engineering, 2018, 222, 1-10.

5) Chao Chen*, Xiao Wang, Wenqi Chen, Lifeng Wang. Encapsulation of Caffeic Acid into Sodium Caseinate Using pH-Driven Method: Fabrication, Characterization, and Bioavailability [J]. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2023.

6) Chao Chen, Li Wang*, Zhengxing Chen*, Xiaohu Luo, Yongfu Li, Ren Wang, Juan Li, Yanan Li, Tao Wang, Jue Wu. Effects of milk proteins on the bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity of oat phenolics during in vitro digestion [J]. Journal of Food Science, 2019, 895-906.

7) Chao Chen, Zhang, Yiyi, Gao, Yulong, Xu, Qian, Ju, Xiongrong, & Wang, Lifeng*. Identification and anti-tumour activities of phenolic compounds isolated from defatted adlay (coix lachryma-jobi, l., var. ma-yuen stapf) seed meal. Journal of Functional Foods,2016, 26, 394-405.

8) Chao Chen*, Qixin Zhong*, Zhengxing Chen. Improved aqueous solubility, bioaccessibility and cellular uptake of quercetin following pH-driven encapsulation in whey protein isolate[J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 2022, 572747–2755.

9) Jiyao Zhang, Alkassoumi Hassane Hamadou, Chao Chen* & Bin Xu*. Encapsulation of phenolic compounds within food-grade carriers and delivery systems by pH-driven method: a systematic review[J], Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2021.

10) Alkassoumi Hassane Hamadou, Jiyao Zhang, Haiteng Li, Chao Chen* & Bin Xu*. Modulating the glycemic response of starch-based foods using organic nanomaterials: strategies and opportunities[J], Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2022.

11) Jiyao Zhang, Alkassoumi Hassane Hamadou, Chao Chen *, Bin Xu *. Entrapment of carvacrol in zein-trehalolipid nanoparticles via pH-driven method and antisolvent co-precipitation: Influence of loading approaches on formation, stability, and release[J], LWT - Food Science and Technology 183 (2023) 114916.


1. 入选江苏省卓越博士后计划,2023年。

2. 入选国家资助博士后研究人员计划,2023年。

3. 中国粮油学会科学技术成果,2021年。

4. 国家工程实验室TOP5科研论文奖,2018年。

5. 国家留学基金委公派攻读博士生奖学金,2018年。



2.Modern Agriculture》,编委会。