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汪振炯 副教授

发布时间 :2021-09-18文字 :石晶晶浏览量 :



邮箱:wangzhenjiong@nufe.edu.cn; wangzhenjiong@gmail.com


2007.09—2012.03 江南大学食品学院,粮食油脂与植物蛋白工程,工学博士;

2004.09—2007.06 华中农业大学食品科技学院,食品科学,工学硕士;

1996.09—2000.06 江南大学食品学院,食品生物技术(粮食工程),工学学士。


2021.03至今,  yh1122银河国际,yh1122银河国际,副教授;

2012.08—2021.02  南京晓庄学院, 食品科学学院,副教授;

2000.07—2004.06 湖北省粮食机械厂,工艺设计师;






科研方向1: 从事淀粉基生物质材料的开发,重点针对无醛型淀粉胶开展研究






2. 江苏省第十四批“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目2017),主持.

3. 江苏省青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师培养对象项目,2016,主持,结题(优秀)


(1) Chenjing Xie, Qiang Wang, Ruifeng Ying, Yaosong Wang, Zhenjiong Wang*, Meigui Huang*. Binding a chondroitin sulfate-based nanocomplex with kappa-carrageenan to enhance the stability of anthocyanins. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020,100:105448-105459

(2) Meigui Huang, Cuiping Liang, Chen Tan, Shuai Huang, Ruifeng Ying, Yaosong Wang, Zhenjiong Wang*, Yifan Zhang. Liposome co-encapsulation as a strategy for the delivery of curcumin and resveratrol. Food &Function. 2019,10:6447–6458

(3) ZhenjiongWangHua ZhuJunnan HuangZan GeJing GuoXiangyu FengQing Xu*. Improvement of the bonding properties of cassava starch-based wood adhesives by using different types of acrylic ester. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 126: 603-611

(4) Lei Chen#, Zhenjiong Wang#, Jie Cai*, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhouyi Xiong, Zia-ud Din, Chun Hu, Asad Nawaz A combination of coarse-grain molecular dynamics to investigate the effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on grafted reaction of starch-based adhesive. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2019,218:20-29.

(5) Hua Zhu, Zhenjiong Wang*, Yulong Wu, Haitao Jian, Feng Zhou, Xiaohong Xie, Renlei Wang, Chun Hua*. Untargeted metabonomics reveals intervention effects of chicory polysaccharide in a rat model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 128:363–375

(6) Zia-ud-Din, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang*, Lei Chen, Ikram Ullah. Effects of sucrose fatty acid ester addition on the structural, rheological and retrogradation behavior of high amylose starch-based wood adhesive. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 2019,89:51-58

(7) Zia-ud-Din, Lei Chen, Ikram Ullah, PengKai Wang, Allah Bakhsh Javaid, Chun Hu, Mengchao Zhang, Ishtiaq Ahamd, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang*. Synthesis and characterization of starch-g-poly(vinyl acetate-co-butyl acrylate) bio-based adhesive for wood application. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 114, 1186~1193

(8) Zia-ud-Din, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang*, Lei Chen, Ikram Ullah, Peng Fei, Naveed Ahmad. Effects of different emulsifiers on the bonding performance, freeze-thaw stability and retrogradation behavior of the resulting high amylose starch-based wood adhesive. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2018,538:192-201

(9) Yajie Wang, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang*, Zia-ud-Din, Lei Chen, Effects of different durations of acid hydrolysis on the properties of starch-based wood adhesive, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 103: 819-828.

(10) Zia-ud-DinHanguo Xiong*Zhenjiong Wang*, Peng Fei, Ikram Ullah, Allah Bakhsh Javaida, Yajie, Wensi Jin, Lei Chen. Effects of sucrose fatty acid esters on the stability and bonding performance of high amylose starch-based wood adhesive, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017,104((part A): 846-853.

(11) Lei Chen, Yajie Wang, Zia-ud-Din, Peng Fei, Wensi Jin, Hanguo Xiong*, Zhenjiong Wang*. Enhancing the performance of starch-based wood adhesive by silane coupling agent(KH570), International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2017, 104: 137-144.

